What is the KKSP Educational and Product Line?
It is, most of all, a certain quality, a love of, and a certain humbleness regarding, the profession, as well as Luxury, what is Affordable. The Brand doesn’t just represent a great price, but also a great quality. On my workshops, you will receive a level of Service that should prove that it can be done differently! You will be able to improve your skills with a relaxed state of mind, in a beautiful setting, and while receiving plenty of help. Our courses are complemented by beautifully executed teaching supports, gifts and premium quality materials..
All these together go to shortening time required in the learning process, as well as saving you time and money, as you wouldn’t have to buy multiple brushes until one of them would finally work. We know that to do professional work, you need good materials, good tools and good knowlegdge. When all these are coupled with industry, practice and attention - the final result will be perfect, both to your and your guests’ satisfaction.
Our handmade brush-line represent German quality, and so do our painting gels. Soon we will be coming out with new materials and new courses, so that we may bring new color to your everyday lives!
Happy browsing from the Diffusion Art Team:
Krisztina Kalmár & Pierre Pachl
KKSP – Your Everyday Luxury